You can now start trading COR on PancakeSwap, the largest DEX on Binance Smart Chain in terms of trading volume, TVL, market capitalization, number of users, and everything else.
Trading pair link: Link.
COR Token BSC Contract: 0xa4b6573c9ae09d81e4d1360e6402b81f52557098
BscScan link: https://bscscan.com/address/0xa4b6573c9ae…
DexTools Trading pair: COR/BNB
Swapping COR token is easy!
In order to trade COR on PancakeSwap, you will need to have BNB (the native coin on BSC) in your Metamask Wallet.
Follow these tutorials to help you set up the BSC Mainnet in your Metamask and then fund it with BNB from your Binance Account (or your favorite alternative CEX).
Once you configure your Metamask and fund your wallet with BNB on the BSC Mainnet, you’re set to go!
Go to the PancakeSwap swap page (exchange) and you will now be able to buy it using BNB (or any other BEP20 token from the list and also in your wallet). If COR isn’t in the default list, paste the BSC Contract Address in the Token List box.
It is advisable to always verify you are swapping the correct COR Token by confirming the correct contract address on BSC.
Adding liquidity
Anyone can also participate as a liquidity provider for COR on PancakeSwap once the initial listing goes live.
To do so, you will need COR tokens and BNB tokens in equal value (BNB is the native token of BSC, much like ETH is the native token of Ethereum).
You can easily add this liquidity in exchange for LP tokens under the PancakeSwap COR/BNB pair. Read more about Pancake Liquidity Pools to get familiar with them.
The initial liquidity provided for COR/BNB on PancakeSwap is approximately $100,000, added as a swapping seed pool. This initial liquidity comes from the COR/ETH pool on Uniswap V2. We have decided to move part of the Uniswap V2 liquidity to PancakeSwap as this ensures the overall lowest impact to the current trading price, as swapping COR for BNB from the Coreto Treasury to add the initial liquidity would have a negative impact on the current price levels and circulation supply.
Switching between chains
Exchanging tokens between blockchains allows the holders to leverage their favorite chain without being restricted to the network choice of the contract owner.
This is possible with the help of Anyswap’s fully decentralized cross-chain swap protocol, allowing token holders to change tokens to and from easily.
Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use AnySwap Bridge.
Not really sure what Coreto is?
Read our complete introduction to Coreto for a head start.
If you would like to have a better in-depth view, here are a few selected articles on the topic:
- Beyond a social platform
- $COR token use cases – the community fuel
- Staking of Opinion Pools (SOOP) Explained
- Monetize your Knowledge with Coreto
You can also join our amazing Telegram community for any other questions you may have.