Add liquidity to Uniswap Guide

This article will serve as a guide for those wanting to learn how to add liquidity to the COR-ETH pool on Uniswap and also becoming eligible to participate in the upcoming liquidity staking program.


  • ETH wallet (preferably Metamask)
  • Both ETH and COR tokens, in equal $ value
  • Access to Uniswap

Steps to adding liquidity

To start, you will need ETH and COR in your Metamask wallet and some extra ETH for the gas fees ( 0.01 to 0.1 depending on network congestion). As for COR token, you can get it by directly purchasing on Uniswap here:

Uniswap COR-ETH Pool
Swap ETH for COR

Step 1 — Access Uniswap’s liquidity section

Go to COR-ETH Pair Page

In the top right corner of the page click on “+Add Liquidity”.

COR-ETH Pool section

A new page will open with Uniswap’s COR-ETH Pool section. If you haven’t done it yet, connect your Metamask wallet by clicking on the “Connect Wallet” option (top right corner or bottom of the page), choose your ETH address, and press “Connect”.

Supplying liquidity

Step 2 — Supplying liquidity

As mentioned above you will be needing COR tokens and ETH in your wallet in an equivalent price value. If you have 1000$ worth of COR then you must also have 1000$ worth of ETH to be able to provide liquidity to the Uniswap pool.

  • Input the amount you want to add as liquidity and then press the “Supply” option.
Add liquidity - Coreto
The ratio of 0.5 ETH=675,490 COR is just an example. The ratio changes according to the price of COR. Uniswap will automatically decide it for you once you input your token amount in either the COR or ETH section.


A pop-up will be showing the amount of UNI-V2 tokens you will receive for providing liquidity (specific to the COR/ETH pool). Click on “Confirm Supply” and confirm the transaction in your Metamask wallet as well.

In the example above we receive 556.806 UNI-V2 tokens for adding 675,490 COR and 0.5 ETH as liquidity
In the example above we receive 556.806 UNI-V2 tokens for adding 675,490 COR and 0.5 ETH as liquidity

That’s it! You have now added liquidity to the COR-ETH Pool on Uniswap!

In order to see the Uniswap V2 tokens in your wallet (e.g. Metamask) you must add the contract address manually in the “Add Custom Token” section of your wallet, and inserting the following contract address:


You are now a member of the COR-ETH Uniswap liquidity pool and you’re eligible for the Liquidity Staking Program which was revealed to have a much higher ROI as compared to the traditional staking pools. You also get a second reward, in the form of earning 0.3% of the fees from the volume traded on the COR-ETH pair which are added to your share of the pool and can be claimed back when you decide to remove said liquidity.

The Uniswap V2 tokens received by the above process will be used to stake on the upcoming Liquidity Staking Pool.

If there are any further questions feel free to join our Telegram Group where we’ll be happy to help you.

Vlad Faraon
Co-Founder/ CBO

Constantly “feeding my hunger” for doing good and help others reach a better version of themselves.