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As we move forward into our platform’s second year of existence, more and more opportunities are opening up, both in terms of development and in terms of evolution.
Closing one cycle allows us to open the door and walk into the next one, ready to aim higher than ever before.
Let’s have a look at how today’s Platform Update unlocks the door for Coreto’s next stage of evolution.
Welcome to the OPEN ALPHA
No more waiting in line to gain access!
All new users can now directly register their accounts on Coreto and explore the first reputation-based crypto platform.
So, what can you expect?
First of all, let’s have a look at what CLOSED vs OPEN ALPHA means.
The CLOSED ALPHA stage is always rough around the edges. It’s meant as a very early testing environment, used to build the core of the platform, find bugs, add and improve core features.
It is also limited to a small number of early testers that have agreed to help the development team improve the platform based on their feedback – bugs, suggestions, and recommendations.
Close to 2000 early adopters have been onboarded over the last 12 months, helping us improve – Thank You!
OPEN ALPHA means that everyone is now welcome to join!
Registration is open for anyone wanting to use the platform and start building their verified crypto reputation. Build your TRUST & PERFORMANCE score by using features like Staking of Opinion Pools, article posting, and more.
OPEN ALPHA also means better stability and maturity; it means solid core features and a simple to use interface – fully responsive; it means real use cases and actual utility.
It also means we now believe it’s ready to be shared with the world at large – and we are looking forward to your feedback.
An important aspect you need to keep in mind is that, even though a lot of improvements have already been released since the platform’s inception, OPEN ALPHA also means that we are still in an early stage of development. There is still work to be done.
New features are being released all the time, and we still have a lot of testing left to do in the future.
Your feedback is always valuable, so let us know what you think! Use the feedback tool available on the platform to help us improve – finding bugs, proposing new features, or just sharing your opinion – we welcome it all!
And since we are opening our doors to all of you, we also want to make things fun!
Unlock The Legendary – Coreto Referral event
We are very happy to announce that we are launching our first Referral Event!
You can now earn COR by referring people to become part of our reputation-based ecosystem! Take the chance and win up to $1500 in $COR!
This is the point in our project’s journey when we are opening up to the vast community of crypto content creators & investors and looking to reward our most active users.
Even if you don’t have a massive community behind you, we encourage all users to take part in the event, as apart from the traditional ranking-based prizes, we also have wild cards to support the growth and give equal chances to win to all of our community, no matter their current network of crypto fans or investors.
The “Unlock the Legendary” referral event starts today (May 3rd), 8 AM UTC, and will close on July 3rd, 8 AM UTC. Users can collect points only between these dates. We are convinced that in 2 months you can collect all the necessary points to win one of the prizes at stake.
Read more about the event, prizes and rules.
Closing thoughts
As with every development update, today’s patch also includes less exciting (but very important) under-the-hood changes:
- bug fixes
- small overall improvements
- security updates
- and other performance and stability optimizations
And as we open the door for the future, remember: this is still only the beginning!
Here’s but a glimpse of what the future looks like:
- Projects Module – bringing the market inside the Coreto ecosystem
- Public Sharable Content – spreading the love to the outside world
- Content Monetization – rewarding knowledge and community leadership
- Gamification System – making things fun
- Improved Trust & Performance score – building the reputation system of the future
Our commitment is strong! Our mission is clear! Our energy is high!
The future is Coreto!